Foundation engineering miscellaneous

Foundation engineering miscellaneous

Foundation Engineering

  1. Net ultimate bearing capacity of a footing embedded in a clay stratum

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    qu = CNc + 8DNq + 0.5 BγNγ
    For clay, Φ = 0 (pure cohesive)
    ⇒ Nq = 1, Nγ = 0
    ⇒ Qu = CNc + γD
    ∴ Qun = qu – γD
    ∴ = CNC + γD – γD = CNc

    Correct Option: D

    qu = CNc + 8DNq + 0.5 BγNγ
    For clay, Φ = 0 (pure cohesive)
    ⇒ Nq = 1, Nγ = 0
    ⇒ Qu = CNc + γD
    ∴ Qun = qu – γD
    ∴ = CNC + γD – γD = CNc

  1. Dilatancy correction is required when a strata is

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    ng = 15 +
    (N0 - 15)

    N0 - SPT value after over burden pressure correction is applied.

    Correct Option: C

    ng = 15 +
    (N0 - 15)

    N0 - SPT value after over burden pressure correction is applied.

  1. A smooth rigid retaining wall moves as shown in the sketch causing the back fill material to fail. The black fill material is homogeneous and isotropic, and obeys the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The major principal stress is

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    Retaining wall moves towards back fill ie, positive earth pressure
    ie, σh > σv.

    Correct Option: B

    Retaining wall moves towards back fill ie, positive earth pressure
    ie, σh > σv.

  1. Likelihood of general shear failure for an isolated footing in sand decrease with

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    decreasing inter-granular packing of the sand

    Correct Option: B

    decreasing inter-granular packing of the sand

  1. Two geometrically identical isolated footings × (linearly elastic) and Y (rigid), are loaded identically (shown alongside). The soil reactions will.

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    be uniformly distributed for Y but not for X

    Correct Option: A

    be uniformly distributed for Y but not for X