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  1. The Presidential Government operates on the principle of :
    1. Division of Powers between Centre and States
    2. Centralisation of Powers
    3. Balance of Powers
    4. Separation of Powers
Correct Option: D

In democratic systems of governance based on the trias politica, a fundamental parallel and a fundamental difference exists between presidential systems and constitutional monarchic parliamentary system of government. The parallel is that the three branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial) exist largely independent of each other, with their own prerogatives, domains of activity, and exercises of control over each other. In presidential systems, the incumbent of the Head-of-state is elected to office and, after transfer of power, appoints his administration (like in the United States, with unitary executive) or a government headed by a prime minister is formed within the parliament, based on the elected majority (like in France). The latter might lead to a “cohabitation” where a president and his government belonging to different parties or coalitions.

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