Direction: An organization wants to recruit Trainee Officers. Following are the criteria.
The candidate must
(i) be not less than 21 years of age and not more than 28 years of age as on 1. 2. 2009
(ii) be a graduate in any discipline with at least 55% marks.
(iii) have secured at least 50% marks in selection test.
(iv) have secured at least 45% marks in interview.
(v) be willing to work anywhere in India.
However, if the candidate satisfies all the above-mentioned criteria except
(a) at (ii) above but is a postgraduate, the case is to be refereed to the Executive Director.
(b) at (i) above but has working experience of at least one year the case is to be refereed to the Vice - President.
In each of the question below, information of one candidate is given. You have to take one of the following five decisions based on the information provided and the criteria and condition given above. You are not be assume anything other than the information provided in each question. All these to indicate your decision by marking answer to each question.
Avinash is Science graduate passed in first class with 63% marks. He has secured 53% marks in selection test on interview respectively. He is willing in the Marketing department of a private organization since July 2007. He was born on 11 - 6 - 1980.
- if the case is to be referred to Executive Director.
- if the case is to be referred to Vice President.
- if the data in the statement is not adequate to take a decision.
- if the candidate is to be selected.
- if the candidate is not to be selected.
Correct Option: B
As per given following criteria in the question the candidates must
(b) at (i) if the candidate satisfies all the above but has working experience of at least one year.
Avinash is willing in the Marketing department of a private organization since July 2007.
(ii) Be a graduate in any displine with at least 55% marks.
Avinash is Science graduate passed in first class with 63% marks.
(iii) Have secured at least 50% marks in selection test.
Avinash has secured 53% marks in selection test.
(iv) Have secured at least 45% marks in interview.
Avinash has secured 53% marks in interview.
(v) Be willing to work anywhere in India.
Avinash is willing in the Marketing department of a private organization since July 2007.