Chemistry miscellaneous

  1. The constituents of automobile exhaust that can cause cancer is/are :

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    Lead is a naturally occurring bluish-gray metal found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. In the past, when lead was added to gasoline, breathing automobile exhaust was the major source of lead exposure for most people. Lead in the exhaust also contaminated the soil near roads. Another major source of exposure is old paint that contains lead. Lead has been found to be carcinogen. A substance that causes cancer or helps cancer grow is called a carcinogen. Several studies have looked for a link between exposure to lead in the workplace (mainly among battery workers and smelter workers) and lung cancer. Some of these studies have found a small increase in lung cancer risk. Studies have also looked at possible links between workplace exposures to lead and other cancers, including cancers of the brain, kidney, bladder, colon, and rectum.

    Correct Option: D

    Lead is a naturally occurring bluish-gray metal found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. In the past, when lead was added to gasoline, breathing automobile exhaust was the major source of lead exposure for most people. Lead in the exhaust also contaminated the soil near roads. Another major source of exposure is old paint that contains lead. Lead has been found to be carcinogen. A substance that causes cancer or helps cancer grow is called a carcinogen. Several studies have looked for a link between exposure to lead in the workplace (mainly among battery workers and smelter workers) and lung cancer. Some of these studies have found a small increase in lung cancer risk. Studies have also looked at possible links between workplace exposures to lead and other cancers, including cancers of the brain, kidney, bladder, colon, and rectum.

  1. The addition of gypsum to portland cement helps in :

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    Portland cement clinker is a hydraulic material which shall consist of at least two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates, the remainder consisting of aluminium- and iron-containing clinker phases and other compounds. The ratio of CaO to SiO2 shall not be less than 2.0. The magnesium oxide content (MgO) shall not exceed 5.0% by mass. Cement sets when mixed with water by way of a complex series of chemical reactions still only partly understood. The different constituents slowly crystallise and the interlocking of their crystals gives cement its strength. Carbon dioxide is slowly absorbed to convert the portlandite (Ca(OH)2) into insoluble calcium carbonate. After the initial setting, immersion in warm water will speed up setting. Gypsum is added as an inhibitor to prevent flash setting.

    Correct Option: C

    Portland cement clinker is a hydraulic material which shall consist of at least two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates, the remainder consisting of aluminium- and iron-containing clinker phases and other compounds. The ratio of CaO to SiO2 shall not be less than 2.0. The magnesium oxide content (MgO) shall not exceed 5.0% by mass. Cement sets when mixed with water by way of a complex series of chemical reactions still only partly understood. The different constituents slowly crystallise and the interlocking of their crystals gives cement its strength. Carbon dioxide is slowly absorbed to convert the portlandite (Ca(OH)2) into insoluble calcium carbonate. After the initial setting, immersion in warm water will speed up setting. Gypsum is added as an inhibitor to prevent flash setting.

  1. Which of the following could be used as fuel in propellant or rockets ?

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    LOX and liquid hydrogen, used in the Space Shuttle orbiter, the Centaur upper stage of the Atlas V, Saturn V upper stages, the newer Delta IV rocket, the H-IIA rocket, and most stages of the European Ariane rockets. Liquid fueled rockets have higher specific impulse than solid rockets and are capable of being throttled, shut down, and restarted. Only the combustion chamber of a liquid fueled rocket needs to withstand high combustion pressures and temperatures and they can be regeneratively cooled by the liquid propellant. For these reasons, most orbital launch vehicles use liquid propellants.The primary performance advantage of liquid propellants is due to the oxidizer. Several practical liquid oxidizers (liquid oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, and hydrogen peroxide) are available which have better specific impulse than the ammonium perchlorate used in most solid rockets, when paired with comparable fuels.

    Correct Option: D

    LOX and liquid hydrogen, used in the Space Shuttle orbiter, the Centaur upper stage of the Atlas V, Saturn V upper stages, the newer Delta IV rocket, the H-IIA rocket, and most stages of the European Ariane rockets. Liquid fueled rockets have higher specific impulse than solid rockets and are capable of being throttled, shut down, and restarted. Only the combustion chamber of a liquid fueled rocket needs to withstand high combustion pressures and temperatures and they can be regeneratively cooled by the liquid propellant. For these reasons, most orbital launch vehicles use liquid propellants.The primary performance advantage of liquid propellants is due to the oxidizer. Several practical liquid oxidizers (liquid oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, and hydrogen peroxide) are available which have better specific impulse than the ammonium perchlorate used in most solid rockets, when paired with comparable fuels.

  1. Which of the following is responsible for the extra strength of pyrex glass ?

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    Older clear-glass Pyrex manufactured by Corning before 1998, Arc International’s Pyrex products, and Pyrex laboratory glassware is made of borosilicate glass. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, borosilicate Pyrex is composed of (as percentage of weight): 14% boron, 51% oxygen, 0.3% sodium, 1% aluminium, 38% silicon, and less than 1% potassium. Pyrex glass cookware manufactured by World Kitchen is made of tempered soda-lime glass instead of borosilicate. World Kitchen justified this change by stating that soda-lime glass was cheaper to produce, is the most common form of glass used in bakeware in the US, and that it also had higher mechanical strength than borosilicate— making it more resistant to breakage when dropped, which it believed to be the most common cause of breakage in glass bakeware.

    Correct Option: C

    Older clear-glass Pyrex manufactured by Corning before 1998, Arc International’s Pyrex products, and Pyrex laboratory glassware is made of borosilicate glass. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, borosilicate Pyrex is composed of (as percentage of weight): 14% boron, 51% oxygen, 0.3% sodium, 1% aluminium, 38% silicon, and less than 1% potassium. Pyrex glass cookware manufactured by World Kitchen is made of tempered soda-lime glass instead of borosilicate. World Kitchen justified this change by stating that soda-lime glass was cheaper to produce, is the most common form of glass used in bakeware in the US, and that it also had higher mechanical strength than borosilicate— making it more resistant to breakage when dropped, which it believed to be the most common cause of breakage in glass bakeware.

  1. The element which is used for vulcanizing rubber

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    Vulcanization is a chemical process for converting rubber or related polymers into more durable materials via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent “curatives” or “accelerators”. By far the most common vulcanizing methods depend on sulfur.

    Correct Option: A

    Vulcanization is a chemical process for converting rubber or related polymers into more durable materials via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent “curatives” or “accelerators”. By far the most common vulcanizing methods depend on sulfur.