Statement and Courses of Action

Direction: In each of the question below a statement is given that is followed by two courses of action. Course of action is a step for administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the given suggested courses of action is/are logically worth pursuing ?

  1. Statement
    The world conference of 'Education For All' took place in London recently. Members who attended the conference endorsed the frame work of action for meeting the basis learning needs of all children.

    Courses of Action
    I. India should suitably implement the action point of this conference.
    II. India should also immediately organise this type of conference.

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    Implementation of such action plans as framed by the conference is an urgent course of action as it will give an immediate and effective impact on the standard of education for the children.

    Correct Option: A

    Implementation of such action plans as framed by the conference is an urgent course of action as it will give an immediate and effective impact on the standard of education for the children.

Direction: In each of the question given below a statement is given that is followed by three courses of actions numbered I, II, and III. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, Then, decide which of the three given suggested course (s) of action logically follow (s) worth pursuing ? Then, decide which of the alternatives (a), (b), (c) or (d) is correct ?

  1. Statement
    Lack of coordination between the university, its colleges and various authorities has resulted in students' migrating from one college seeking admission to another.
    Courses of Action
    I. If a student migrates from a collage, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of university.
    II. The admissions to all the college of the universities should be handled by the university directly.
    III. A separate section should be made for talking strict action against students indulging in anti-social activities.

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    According to the first course of action, if a students is migrated from a college, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of the university. This is the way by which coordination between universities and colleges can be maintained.

    Correct Option: A

    According to the first course of action, if a students is migrated from a college, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of the university. This is the way by which coordination between universities and colleges can be maintained.

  1. Statement
    The world will have to feed more than a billion people in the next century, of whom half will be in Asia and will eat rice as their staple food.
    Courses of Action
    I. More funds should immediately be allocated for rice research to help ensure adequate supplies.
    II. The people in Asia should be encouraged to change their food habits.
    III. The rice should be grown in countries outside Asia to meet the demand.

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    I and III Courses of action logically follow. Since, in the next century the increased population will have to be fed more rice, hence, it is necessary to allocate more funds for rice research to help ensure adequate supplies. Besides, the rice should be grown in countries outside Asia to meet the demand.

    Correct Option: D

    As in next century the increased population will have to feed more rice, so it is necessary to allocate funds for rice research. Therefore, I and III follow. All courses of action logically follow. First of all, the water of ponds should be treated to identify the nature of the virus. Since the problem is being faced, so the catching of then shrimps from the ponds should be temporarily stopped. Also, the fisherman should be asked to watch for the onset of such phenomenon in nature.

Direction: In each of the question below a statement is given that is followed by two courses of action. Course of action is a step for administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the given suggested courses of action is/are logically worth pursuing ?

  1. Statement
    The State Government has decided to declare 'Kala Azar' as a notifiable disease under the Epidemics act, 1978. Family members or neighbours of the patient are liable to be punished in case they do not inform the state authorities.

    Courses of Action
    I. Efforts should be made to effectively implement the act.
    II. The cases of punishment should be propagated through mass media, so that more people may become aware of the stern action.

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    When the Government takes such an action, it is necessary that people are made aware of the consequences they would face, if they don't obey, they lose. Therefore, II follows, I is obvious.

    Correct Option: D

    When the Government takes such an action, it is necessary that people are made aware of the consequences they would face, if they don't obey, they lose. Therefore, II follows, I is obvious.

Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two course of action number I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to the taken for improvement follow- up further action in regard to the problem policy, etc. on the basis of information given in the statement to be true then decided which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursing.

  1. Statement:
    The officer Incharge of a company had a hunch the some money was missing from the safe.
    Courses of action:
    I.He should get it recounted with the help of the staff and check it with the balance sheet.
    II. He should inform the police

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    Clearly, a suspicion first needs to be confirmed and only when it is confirmed, should an action be taken. So, only course I follows.

    Correct Option: A

    Clearly, a suspicion first needs to be confirmed and only when it is confirmed, should an action be taken. So, only course I follows.