What is the full form of NABH?
What is the full form of NABH?
The full form of NABH is National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers. It is a board of Quality Council of India. it was formed in 2005, to introduce and operate an accreditation program for healthcare organizations. NABH is the first accreditation for hospitals and healthcare providers.
NABH deigned standard for hospital and healthcare providers, it consists of 600 plus objective for healthcare providers to get NABH accreditation.
To be foremost national healthcare accreditation and quality control organization, functioning at par with global standards.
Organize accreditation and allied programs in collaboration with stakeholders focusing on patient safety and quality of healthcare on the basis of national/international benchmarks.
Quality promotion like diagnostic certification, Nursing excellence, Safe-1, etc.
Information Education Communication(IEC), such as seminars, workshops, lectures, etc.
Traning and education for patient safety and quality control.
Accreditation for healthcare services.
Designed and organize certified healthcare quality courses and workshops.
NABH Standards
NABH standards for hospitals has 10 chapters in 4th edition
1.Access, Assessment, and Continuity of Care
2.Care of Patients (COP)
3.Management of Medication (MOM)
4.Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
5.Hospital Infection Control (HIC)
6.Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
7.Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
8.Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
9.Human Resource Management (HRM)
10.Information Management System (IMS)
International linkage
NABH is a member of the Accreditation Council of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).
NABH is an Institutional Member as well as a Board member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).
NABH is an Institutional Member as well as a Board member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (lSQua).