What is the full form of ICAR?
What is the full form of ICAR?
The full form of ICAR is Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
It is an autonomous body under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
It was founded on 16 July 1929 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and is headquartered in New Delhi.
ICAR coordinate, manage, guide, research and education in the field of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, and animal sciences in the country. It plays a very important role in the green revolution and developments in agriculture in India through continuous research and development technology.
It increases foodgrains by 5.4 times, horticultural crops by 10.1 times, fish by 15.2 times, milk 9.7 times and eggs 48.1 from1951 to 2017.
ICAR has 101 institutes and 71 universities across the county and it is one the largest national agricultural systems in the world.
ICAR Divisions and Units
1.Crop Science
2.Horticultural Science
3.Natural Resource Management
4.Agricultural Engineering
5.Animal Science
6.Fisheries Science
7.Agricultural Education
8.Agricultural Extension
9.Knowledge Management
10.IP&TM and PME
11.Human Resource Management Unit
12.National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP)
13.National Agricultural Science Fund (NASF)
14.International Relations
Awards and Achievements
1.Started All-India Co-ordinated Research Project on Maize in 1957.
2.Introduced the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in 2005.
3.Introduced National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) in 1998.
4.ICAR won the King Baudouin Award for research and development in 2004.
5.ICAR won King Baudouin Award in 1989 for contribution in green revolution.
6.ICAR started a National Gene Bank at new Delhi in 1996.
7. ICAR established the Agricultural Research Service and Agricultural Scientist's Recruitment Board in 1975.
8.ICAR founded the Department of Agricultural Research and Education in 1973.
9. ICAR established different agricultural institutes in 1966.
10. ICAR launching Lab-to-Land Programme and the National Agricultural Research Project in 1979.
11. Started Institution-Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) in 1995.