What is the full form of ECT?
What is the full form of ECT?
The full form of ECT is electroconvulsive Therapy or Elcetricshock therapy. It is the most effective therapy to treat mental disorders like seizures by using electric current. It is a safe and secure treatment for a patient who is suffering from mental illness and unable to recover from medicine and other therapies. ECT usually performs 3 times a week for 2 to 4 weeks as prescribed by the doctor.
ECT therapy was introduced in 1938 by an Italian psychiatrist.
Types of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Unilateral ECT One electrode put on the top of the head and another electrode put on right side of Temple (skull).
Bilateral ECT Electrode are puts on both sides of head.
Why Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatment Perform?
If a person has the following symptoms then ECT therapy required, these symptoms are:
1. Severe depression
2. Bipolar disorder
3. Aggression in people with dementia
4. schizophrenia
How Electroconvulsive Therapy Perform?
ECT should always perform by a trained doctor. This treatment usually takes 10 to 15 minutes time. Before starting the procedure doctor gives general anesthesia to relax the muscle. Electrodes are placed on the patient head and then the required amount of electric current is applied to the patient head, this results in seizure for 1 minute. The continuous monitoring show if any abnormal change happens to the patient body.
Side effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Common side effects are:
Muscle tenderness
Temporary confusion