What is the full form of ICU?
What is the full form of ICU?
The full form of ICU is Intensive Care Unit. ICU is a specialized care department for critical patients, it provides life support and intensive care to patients who are suffering from injury and illness.
The intensive care unit provides close monitoring to the patient to recover fast and normal their body activity.
In the hospital, ICU has a team of highly skilled and trained Doctors and nurses who provide critical care treatment to the patients. as compared to other wards of hospital ICU have more number of ICU specialist Nurse. the ratio of nurses in ICU is 1:2
ICU patients are very venerable to infection because of their low immunity power, due to this in ICU special hygiene condition is maintained to prevent the infection.
In ICU visiting hour is fixed for the patient attendant, before entering in ICU visitors have to wear sterile gowns and shoe cover, and wash their hands.
Type of cases admitted in ICU
Trauma case
A patient who has a respiratory problem
Organ transplant & failure patient
Post-operative complication case
Types of ICU
In Multispeciality hospital ICUs specialize in providing care for particular health conditions or injuries including:
Coronary care unit
Neonatal intensive care unit
Pediatric intensive care unit
Neurological intensive care unit
Psychiatric intensive care unit
Medical equipments in ICU
ICU is equipped with different medical equipment, some of which are as follows:
Dialysis machine
Syringe Pump
Infusion Pump
Suction machine
Feeding tube
Blood warmer