What is the full form of COVID-19?
What is the full form of COVID-19?
The "CO" stands for corona, "VI" for virus and "D" for disease
COVID-19 stand for Corona virus disease
What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus disease is a novel infectious disease, it is a kind of influenza that affects the respiratory system of the human body. the strain of Coronavirus is SARS-CoV-2 and it was first found in December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in China’s.
As of now, Coronavirus is spread to over 150 countries across the globe, and it was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020.
Whom Coronavirus Affect?
Most People who have strong immunity power and infected with Coronavirus will experience mild to moderate respiratory problem and they recover by medical treatment. but older people ( Age- above 60) and people who have a medical problem like Diabetes, Cancer, cardice problems, respiratory disease, etc are high -risk groups to develop coronavirus disease easily.
How Coronavirus Disease Spread?
Coronavirus spread through the droplet, a person who is infected form this disease can easily transmit this disease to other people through a droplet of saliva from the nose when a person coughs and sneezes.
Coronavirus disease also spread through close contact with the infected person.
Symptoms of Coronavirus disease
Coronavirus affects every person in a different way, it will take 1- 14 days time to develop the symptoms. kindly inform your doctor immediately if you develop these symptoms.
Common symptoms
Dry cough
Breathing difficulty
Sore throat
Body Pain
Shortness of breath
Runny Nose
Treatment of Coronavirus Disease
As of now, there is no specific kind of medicine or specific treatment for coronavirus disease. and there is no Vaccine for this novel disease.
Some treatment used to relief from coronavirus symptoms includes:
Pain Killer (ibuprofen or acetaminophen)
Fluid intake
Cough syrup or medicine
Rest and sleep
Keep warm and use a room humidifier to get ease from sore throat and cough
In case of breathing difficulty contact the doctor immediately.
Prevenation from Coronavirus disease
Hand Wash
Wash your hand often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Don't touch your face, nose, eyes if your hand is not washed.
Hand Sanitizer
If soap and water are not available means if you are in a public place then you can use a hand sanitizer that contained at least 60% of alcohol.
Stay at Home
It is the best way to prevent coronavirus disease. avoid unnecessary outdoor activities.
Avoid person contact
Avoid close contact (1 meter to 3 feet) with the person who is suffering from this disease, or who has symptoms.
Wear Mask
Wear a mask if you are in the public place, especially those people who have a cold and cough.
Hand Washing Step
1. Wet hands with tap water
2.Apply enough soap on hands
3.Rub Plam to Plam
4. Right palm over the left dorsum and left palm over the right dorsum.
5. Plam to Plam with finger interlocked.
6.Backs of fingers to opposing palm with fingers interlocked.
7. Rotational rubbing of right thumb griped in left palm, and left thumb griped in right palm.
8.Rotational rubbing backward and forward with the finger of right hand in left palm and left hand in the right palm.
9. Rinse hands with water.