What is the full form of CAD?
What is the full form of CAD?
The full form of CAD is computer Aided Design. CAD is a technology that is used by engineers, architects, artists, drafters to design technical illustration in two-dimensional (2D) and in three-dimensional (3D). it is used to produce computer animation for special effects in movies, advertising, and technical manuals.
It is used to create, modify and analyze the design. the designer used CAD software because it improves the quality of work, increases productivity, and creates a database.
CAD is very important in industrial art, it is largely used in automotive, shipbuilding, aerospace, architectural design, etc.
Types of CAD softwares
There are mainly four types of CAD software:
3D Wireframe and Surface Modelling
Solid Modelling
It is used to design the layout of the physical components of products by using a 2D or 3D method.
It is used to design climate, road and topographic maps.
It is used to design multistory buildings, a house such as a floor plan, water plumbing, electrical design.
It is used to design aircraft, satellites, and missiles.
It is used to design automobile parts such as the engine, breaks, etc.