What is the Full form of FIR?
What is the Full form of FIR?
The full form of FIR is the first information report.it is a type of complaint which is usually filled by the victim or someone else on behalf of the victim in police station. It is the first information about the incident. FIR includes Incident date, time, place details of the incident.
Police cannot say no to register the case, as it is against the law. when FIR is registered by the police, a signed copy of FIR is also given to the person who filed the FIR.
FIR is very important because it helps in the process of criminal justice. the police can start the investigation process only after FIR is registered.
F.I.R. as delineated in law
Police should write it down once the information concerning the commission of the cognizable offense is given orally.
The victim or the one who is filing the FIR has the right to demand that the Compliant recorded by police be scan to him/her.
Once the complaint is recorded, it should be signed by the person.
After Filing the FIR, always take a copy of FIR.it It is free of cost.