What is the full form of CHF?
What is the full form of CHF?
The full form of CHF is Congestive Heart Failure. It is a chronic condition in which the heart cannot pump blood to body tissue. It affects the pumping system of the heart.
The heart has four-chamber, the upper part of the heart has two atria, and the lower half of the heart has two ventricles, ventricles pump blood to body organs and tissues, and the atria receive blood from the body as it flows again from the rest of body. when ventricles cannot pump enough blood to the body. then blood and other fluids collect inside the lungs, abdomen, liver, lower body, and it cause Congestive Heart Failure.
Types of Congestive Heart Failure
1.Systolic heart failure It occurs when left ventricles not able to contract normally, due to this level force for blood circulation decrease.
2.Diastolic heart failure It occurs when the muscle in the left ventricle becomes stiff.
1. High blood pressure
2. Obesity
3. Asthma
4. Heart valve is not working properly
5. Coronary heart disease
6. Smoking, alcohol
7. Hypertension
8. Thyroid
1. Shortness of breath
2. Chest pain
3. Weight gain
4. Tiredness
5. Irregular heartbeat
6. Nausea
7. Dizziness
8. Swelling in legs
9. Skin appears blue
There are various test to diagnose the Congestive Heart Failure such as:
1. Electrocardiogram
2. MRI
3. Stress Echo
4. Cardiac catheterization
5. Blood test