What is the full form of ARDS?
What is the full form of ARDS?
The full form of ARDS is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. ARDS is a condition in which fluid collects in the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. As fluid collects in the lungs, less space is left in the lungs for the air because this less oxygen is passed to the bloodstream. It prompts low oxygen levels in the blood. The organs don't get adequate oxygen to play out their capacities appropriately. It can occur in people who are critically ill or who have any injury.
The chances of death are very high in people who are suffering from ARDS, with age and severity of illness increase the risk of death. some people recover completely while others experience lasting damage to their lungs.
Severe shortness of breath
Abnormal rapid breathing
High pulse rate
Extreme tiredness
Low blood pressure
The most common causes of ARDS are:
Sepsis-It is a serious and widespread infection of the bloodstream.
Harmful substances- Inhaling high concertation of smoke, chemical fume can cause ARDS.
Severe pneumonia- It affects all the five lobes of the lungs.
Major injury- Major injury like a car crash, fall can damage the lungs.
These are the following method to identify the ARDS:
1. Chest X-ray
2. Computerized tomography (CT)
3. A blood test to know the infection
4. Electrocardiogram(ECG)
5. Echocardiogram
Doctor use oxygen treatment to breath, they use mechanical ventilation for most of the patient who is suffering from ARDS.
Intravenous fluid administration is minimized hydrostatic pressure and increases serum oncotic pressure.
Doctors use medication to treat the infection, Relieve from pain, Minimize gastric reflux, and prevent the blood clots in the lungs.