what is the full form of TRP?
what is the full form of TRP?
The full form of TRP is Television Rating Point. It is a tool that is used to measure how many audiences are watching a particular tv program/ advertisement. This tool is used to know which tv program/ advertisement is most viewed, the higher TRP indicates that the program is viewed by a large number of viewers. Tv shows ranked on the basis of TRP. ITEM (Indian Television Audience Measurement) is the which is working in the area of TRP calculation.
TRP Calculation methods
There are two electronic methods for TRP calculation.
People meters device- A device is installed with tv set of selected homes to calculate the TRP. A thousand viewers are surveyed in the form of justice and sampling, this device record the time and tv show watched by the viewer on a particular date, on the basis of daily data average is taken for30-day period to know the status.
Picture Matching method- In this method the individual's meter records a little bit of the image that is being viewed on the TV. This information is gathered from a lot of homes as pictures and later on are dissected to calculate the TRPs.