What is the full form of VISA?

  1. What is the full form of VISA?
  1. The full form of VISA is Visitors International Stay Admission.visa is derived from Latin charta visa means, a paper that has been seen. it is a document issued by the country to a particular person who wants to travel to another country, with stipulated reason and time.
    once the time is over, the person needs to renew the Visa.

    VISA is considered the most important document when a person traveling to some other country.

    Type of VISA

    on the basis of Travel there are some different type of Visa:

    Student VISA

    this Visa is required when students want to go to other country for higher education.

    Tourist VISA

    This visa is required when a person wants to travel to another country for sight seen or to meet friends and relatives.

    Medical VISA

    This visa is required when a person wants to go to other country for medical treatment.

    Employment VISA

    This visa is required when a person wants to work in another country.

    Business VISA

    This visa is required when a person wants to do business in another country.
What is the full form of VISA?