What is the full form of STF?
What is the full form of STF?
The full form of STF is the Special Task Force. In India, every state makes a special task force to handle special cases. The main reason to form this force is the lack of sufficient police force for special tasks like criminal cases, anti-terrorism measures, etc. Special Task Force has been created as a special unit in the Criminal Investigation Department to deal with special cases.
The STF was first formed by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states in the 1980s to counter ivory poacher, Veerappan.
STF is headed by the Additional Director General who is helped by an Inspector General of Police. The STF functions as groups, with each group headed by either an Additional SP or Deputy SP.
Duties of Special Task Force
1. Work as a nodal agency in the State for dealing with organized crime.
2.Review reports and other Special Reports of organized crime on a regular basis.
3. Interaction with Special Task Force of other States and agencies of Govt. of India involved in combating organized crime.
4. Handle case of inter-district gangs of robbers, drug suppliers, kidnappers, Arms suppliers,
explosives materials, trade of human organs.
5. Follow effective process (Investigation, prosecution, intelligence, collection) against special crime cases.
Organization chart of STF team