What is the full form of FCI?
What is the full form of FCI?
The full form of FCI is Food Corporation of India. It is a government organization in India under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. FCI works for Sale, purchase, and distribution of grains(wheat& rice) across the country.
It was established on 14th January 1965. The initial headquarters is in Chennai later moved to New Delhi. D. V. Prasad (IAS) is the current chairman of FCI.
It has five zonal offices and 24 regional offices in India. The location of FCI zonal offices are Kolkata, Noida, Mumbai, Chennai, and Guwahati.
It is one of the largest organizations in India and probably the largest supply chain management in Asia. Every year FCI purchases approximately 15-20 percent of India's total wheat production and around 12-15 percent of India's total rice production and after pursuing FCI distribute grain to different states so that consumers can buy grains at a reasonable price.
Objective of FCI
1.Powerful price support operation to protect the interests of farmers.
2.Distribution of food grains throughout the country for a powerful Public Distribution System.
3. Maintain the buffer stock of food grains to ensure National Food Security.
4. Control the market price so that consumers get food grain at a reasonable price.
Ensuring food security for citizens of India.
1. Purchase at Minimum Support Price(MSP) storage and distribution of food grains.
2. Ensuring availability of food grains by appropriate policies and preservation of buffer stocks of food grains.
3. Making food grains reachable at a reasonable price by Public Distribution Shop (PDS) mainly for the economically weaker section.