What is the full form of CS?
What is the full form of CS?
The full form of CS is Company Secretary. A company secretary is a senior position in a private sector company or public sector organisation. They are responsible for the smooth and efficient business, particularly ensuring compliance with statutory and make sure that decisions of the board of directors are implemented. They report progress and issues to board members. The company secretary is representative of a legal document and they are responsible for operating the company within the law.
It is one of the highest-paid jobs in the public and private sectors of India.
In India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India regulates the profession of company secretaries. ICSI is a statutory professional body which is founded in 1980 under the act of parliament. It has more than 50000 associate members.
1. Foundation Program - Candidate must be passed 12th class with a recognized board.
2.Executive Program Candidate must be graduate from a recognized university.
3.Professional Program Candidate must be qualify the Executive program.
Course Duration
Foundation Program 8 Months
Executive Program 9 Months
Professional Program 10 Months