What is the full form of ICMR?
What is the full form of ICMR?
The full form of ICMR is the Indian Council of Medical Research. It is a leading organization in India for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research. It was founded in 1911 and headquartered in New Delhi. Dr. Balram Bhargava is Secretary and Director General of ICMR. It is funded by the Govt. of India through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
It has 26 national institutes to research on health matters like tuberculosis, leprosy, cholera, and diarrhea diseases, AIDS, malaria, kala-azar, vector control, nutrition, food & drug toxicology, reproduction, etc. 6 Regional research center to focus on regional health problems.
Conduct a research program for the health benefit of the common man.
Use Science and technology for humanity.
To promote cost-effective innovation regarding diagnostics, treatment, vaccines, and other methods for the prevention of diseases.
Develop satellite centers in the country for the study of hematological disorders.
To help in the innovative work of plasma-based or recombination remedial items with Pharmaceutical organizations.
To adopt and support the utilization of biology tools intending to medical issues of the nation.
Activities of ICMR
Promote and develop advanced research centers in different research areas.
Task force studies, which are national tasks, are figured mulling over the national need zones of research. Its teams and different councils assist researchers with working together with skill and foundation accessible to embrace inquire about.
It promotes human resource development in biomedical research, Research Fellowships, Short-Term Visiting Fellowships, Short-Term Research Studentships, and various training programs and workshops.
The council offers the position of emeritus scientist for retired medical scientists and teachers to continue the research work on specific biomedical topics.