What is the full form of NGO?
What is the full form of NGO?
The full form of NGO is Non-Governmental Organization. It is an independent organization that is neither part of a government nor a profit business. NGO is a group of small organizations which are established setup by normal citizens to help poor people, senior citizens, children, environment-related issues, etc. NGOs are generally funded by the central government, state government, Business and it can be organized on a community level, city level, national or international level.
Types of NGO
1.Charities Meeting the needs of people and groups.
2.Service NGO which provides healthcare and education services.
3.Participation Self participation in the form of money,tools, land, materials, or labor.
4.Empowerment Help poor people with the understanding of factors affecting their lives like social, political, and economic and also increase awareness of their power to control their lives.
Level of operation
1.Community Community based organization are famous activities that can raise the cognizance of the urban poor, helping them comprehend their entitlement to administrations, and offering such types of assistance.
2.City This type of organization include chambers of commerce and industry, partnership business, educational groups, and community organizations.
3.State NGOsIt includes state-level organizations, associations, and groups.
4.National NGOs It includes national organizations like YMCAs and YWCAs, professional associations.
5.International NGOs It includes secular agencies like Save the Children, to religious groups. They give funds to local NGOs, institutions, and projects.
Popular NGOs in India
Aashayein Foundation
Smile Foundation
Akshaya Trust
Childline India
Udaan Welfare Foundation
LEPRA Society
HelpAge India
Sammaan Foundation,etc.