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Programming and data structure miscellaneous

Programming & Data Structure

Direction: Consider the following C program that attempts to locate an element X in an array Y [] using binary search. The program is erroneous.
1.   f (int Y[10], int X) {
2.     int u, j, k;
3.     i = 0; j = 9;
4.     do {
5.     k = (i + j)/ 2
6.     if (Y[k] < x) i = k; else j = k;
7.    } while ((Y[k]! = X) & &(i < j));
8.    if (Y[k]) = = x) print f (“x is in the array”);
9.    else print f (“x is not in the array”);
10.   }

  1. The correction needed in the program to make it work properly is
    1. change line 6 to; if (Y [k] < x) i = k + 1; else j = k – 1;
    2. change line 6 to; if (Y [k] < x) i = k – 1; else j = k + 1;
    3. change line 6 to; if (Y [k] < = x) i = k; else j = k;
    4. change line 7 to; }while ((Y [k] = = x) & &(i < j))
Correct Option: A

The correction in the program is needed as in the above solution we can see that the program cannot work properly.
Now, when y[k] < x
Increase 1 to k + 1
Otherwise, decrease j to k –1
This will ensure that in the while condition, element at k position will be checked for equality.

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