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Engineering Mathematics Miscellaneous

Engineering Mathematics

  1. Gauss seidel method is used to solve the following equations (as per the given order):
    x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 1
    2x1 + 3x2 + x3 = 1
    3x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 1
    Assuming initial guess as x1 = x2 = x3 = 0, the value of x3 after the first iteration is ______.
    1. 1.555
    2. 15.555
    3. 10.555
    4. None of the above
Correct Option: A

The equations are
x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 5
2x1 + 3x2 + x3 = 1
3x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 3
By pivoting we get

x1 =
3 - 2x2 - x3

x2 =
1 - 2x1 - x3

x3 =
5 - x1 - 2x2

When we put x2 = 0, x3 = 0 in equaiton (1), x1 = 1
put x1 = 1, x3 = 0 in equation (3), x2 = – .333
put x1 = 1, x2 = – .333 in equation (3), x3 = 1.555

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