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Mechanical and structural analysis miscellaneous

Mechanics and Structural Analysis

  1. Consider a bar of diameter ‘D’ embedded in a large concrete block as shown in the following figure, with a pull out force P being applied. Let σb and σst be the bond strength (between the bar and concrete) and the tensile strength of the bar, respectively. If the block is held in position and it is assumed that the material of the block does not fail, which of the following options represents the maximum value of P?
    1. Maximum of
      D2 σband (πDLσst)
    2. Maximum of
      D2 σstand (πDLσb)
    3. Minimum of
      D2 σstand (πDLσb)
    4. Minimum of
      D2 σband (πDLσst)
Correct Option: B

Bond strength = σb × outer area of bar embedded
= σb × πDL
Tensile strength = σst × (π/4)D2
Max. value of P is the minimum of bond strength & tensile strength

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