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Direction: In the following questions, you have following two brief passages with10 questions in Passage -I and 5 questions in Passage - II. Read the passages carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable words out of the four alternatives given.

In Buddha’s days rough rectangular coins (546) issued by various economic and political authorities. (547), it was not until the fourth century before Christ that India arrived at a coinage guaranteed by the state. Sher Shah (548) well-designed pieces of copper, silver and gold. In medieval India the growth of industry and commerce was impeded (549) a religious antipathy to the taking of interest. The Indians (550) put out money at usury nor knew how to borrow. When the Hindu (551) not invest his savings in his own economic enterprises he (552) to hoard them, or to buy jewellery as conveniently (553) wealth. Perhaps this failure to develop a facile credit system (554) the industrial revolution to establish the European domination of Asia. Slowly, however despite the (555) of the Brahmans, money-lending grew.

One rainy day I watched a neighbour (556) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer (557) help when the trio disappeared (558) some hedges. When they reappeared, she (559) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was (560) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.

  1. NA
    1. neither
    2. either
    3. whether
    4. therefore
Correct Option: A

Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.

neither (Conj.)

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