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Direction: PASSAGE–II
Without water (761) animal can survive. In desert regions the greatest (762) to life is drying up. But many creatures are able to make use of (763) little water that exists in arid areas. One of nature’s masterpieces (764) creatures equipped to (765) with desert life is the hardy camel. Stories range the desert lands far and wide about (766) endurance feats by camels. It is said that camels can (767) a distance of about 800 miles in eight days through (768) travel without an intake of a single drop of water. The popular (769) that camels store water in the humps is (770) in a way; water is indeed stored there but in the form of fat.

Some Important Words
(1) endurance (N.) : the ability to continue doing something painful/difficult for a long period of time without complaining
(2) masterpieces(N.) : works of art that are the best examples
(3) feats (N.) : action that need skill, strength or courage

  1. NA
    1. for
    2. about
    3. among
    4. with
Correct Option: C

Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.


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