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Direction: In each of the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.

When both myths and countermyths occur in the narrative field of a society, people can (1081) the oppositions between them in unique ways. The psychological relevance of stories in the cases of myths and horror films may be in the experiencing of the (1082) binary tensions, rather than in the manifest (1083) of the story. The tensions in the story is, however, (1084) through the binary contrasts. The message conveyed is a (1085) complex.

internalize (V.) : to make a feeling, an attitude, or a belief part of the way you think and behave
externalize (V.) : to show what you are thinking and feeling by what you say/do
concretize (V.) : become specific
secularize (V.) : make secular and draw away from a religious orientation.
(5) overlying (Adv.) : to a degree exceeding normal/proper limits
(6) comforting (Adj.) : providing comfort/so lace
(7) underlying (Adj.) : important in a situation but not always easily noticed/stated clearly
(8) manifest (Adj.) : clearly revealed to the mind/the senses/ judgement
(9) morality (N.) : right/good conduct
(10) binary (Adj.) : dual - of two
(11) dissipated (Adj.) : unrestrained by convention/morality
(12) holistic (Adj.) : considering a whole thing
(13) prolific (Adj.) : existing in large numbers
(14) holistic : considering a whole thing.

  1. NA
    1. relay
    2. education
    3. content
    4. morality
Correct Option: C

Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.


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