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  1. The system of issuing and monitoring of money in the market is known as–
    1. Proportional reserve ratio
    2. Fixed reserve ratio
    3. Minimum reserve ratio
    4. Floating reserve ratio
Correct Option: C

The reserve requirement (or cash reserve ratio) is a central bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each commercial bank must hold (rather than lend out) of customer deposits and notes. These required reserves are normally in the form of cash stored physically in a bank vault (vault cash) or deposits made with a central bank. The required reserve ratio is sometimes used as a tool in monetary policy, influencing the country’s borrowing and interest rates by changing the amount of funds available for banks to make loans with. The main objective of minimum reserves is the stabilisation of money market rates. Minimum reserves allow credit institutions to smooth out fluctuations in liquidity such as those caused by the demand for banknotes.

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