Which is the latest manufacturing units being set up by the Indian Railways ?
- Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala
- Wheel Factory, Chapra
- Wheel and Axle Plant, Durgapur
- Rail Wheel Factory, Bangalore
- Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala
Correct Option: B
The government, in May 2012, announced in the Rajya Sabha the readiness of a rail axle wheel manufacturing factory in Chhapra in Bihar for commissioning, a development which would reduce dependence on import of wheels. The project was announced in the 2005-2006 Railway Budget of India. Note : Swiss major Molinari Rail will set up a manufacturing and assembly centre for auxiliary power units for diesel locomotives in India by 2017. Molinari Rail AG has entered into a strategic pact to design, manufacture and deliver the auxiliary power units (APUs) for 1,000 diesel locomotives to be built in India for Indian Railways.