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  1. Match correctly the Nutrient defficiency given in List-I with the diseases caused by the deficiency given in List-II.
    List – IList – II
    A. Iodine1.Microcytic anaemia
    B. Iron 2. Pernicious anaemia
    C. Niacin3. Goitre
    D. Vitamin Bl24. Pellagia

    1. A B C D
      4 2 1 3
    2. A B C D
      1 3 2 4
    3. A B C D
      2 4 3 1
    4. A B C D
      3 1 4 2
Correct Option: D

Microcytic anaemia: anemia characterized by small red blood cells, due to deficiency of iron; Pernicious anaemia: body does not make enough red blood cells due to lack of vitamin B12; Goitre: swelling of the neck or larynx resulting from iodine deficiency; and Pellagra: chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3).

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