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  1. What is the output of this program?
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class ComplexNumber
    float R;
    float I;
    ComplexNumber():R(0), I(0){}
    ComplexNumber operator ()(float real, float imag)
    R += real;
    I += imag;
    return *this;
    ComplexNumber operator() (float real)
    R += real;
    return *this;
    void Print()
    cout << "(" << R << "," << I << ")" << endl;
    int main()
    ComplexNumber comp1, comp2;
    comp2 = comp1(5.1, 2.5);
    comp1(3.4, 3.5);
    cout << "Complecx Number = ";comp1.Print();
    cout << "Complecx Number = ";comp2.Print();
    return 0;
    1. Complecx Number = (0,6)
      Complecx Number = (2,3.2)
    2. Complecx Number = (5.1,2.5)
      Complecx Number = (2,3.2)
    3. Complecx Number = (8.5,6)
      Complecx Number = (9.4,2.5)
    4. Compilation Error
    5. None of these
Correct Option: C

In this program, We are returning the real and imaginary part of the complex number by using function call operator.

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