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  1. What should be written in the blank of the code for JQuery Code Used to Apply CSS3 Animations?
    _________ leftmove {
    100% { transform: translateX(-70px); opacity: 1; }
    _________ rightmove {
    100% { transform: translateX(70px); opacity: 1; }
    $(function() {
    var footerBottom = $("#articlefooter").offset().top + $("#articlefooter").height();
    $(window).scroll(function() {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > (footerBottom - $(window).height())) {
    $("#prevpage").css('animation', 'leftmove 1s 2s forwards');
    $("#nextpage").css('animation', 'rightmove 1s 1s forwards');
    1. animation-name
    2. @media
    3. !important
    4. @keyframes
    5. None of these
Correct Option: A


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