Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when arranged in the proper sequence, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter/number. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. Marine life would suffer because a lid of warm water would prevent the circulation that normally brings nutrients to the surface of the sea and the river waters.
    B. But plant productivity would rise by 50 percent.
    C. A number of effects are expected from global warming.
    D. Also, the warmer climate could melt the floating ice of the Arctic Ocean thereby resulting in a 20 ft. rise in oceans and surrounding areas.
    1. C D B A
    2. B C D A
    3. C A B D
    4. B A D C
Correct Option: C

C A and A B are the keys. Passage must begin with C which introduces the problem ‘global warming’, A, B, D cannot begin the passage as they only tell the effects of global warming, A should obviously follow C as A tells the effect of global warming indicated by C as expected. B should follow A as B advances the description of the effects, D should follow B and conclude the passage as D further tells the effect, i.e., ‘the warmer climate’ could melt the floating ice’ etc. Option (a): passage correctly begins the passage with C but D wrongly follows it whereas D should follow B and conclude the passage, after B has told an ‘effect’ of ‘global warming’ D further tells the effect, i.e., ‘the warmer climate could melt the floating ice’ and so on. Options (b), (d): passage wrongly begins with B in both the options instead of C whereas B should follow A which in turn should follow C, after A has talked of one effect, i.e., ‘a lid of warm water,’ B tells about another effect, i.e., ‘plant productivity would rise’ and so on. Except (c) other options are wrong.

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