Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: In each question, there are five sentences. The sentence labelled A is in its correct place. The four that follow are labelled B, C, D and E, and need to be arranged in the logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the most appropriate option.

  1. A. It’s called My Beautiful Mommy, and it’s a children’s book published in the US next week. That all sounds regular and above board, you think, until I tell you why mommy is so beautiful - it’s because she has had extensive plastic surgery.
    B. What do I know of the ways in which one might mess up one’s child? Nothing at all.
    C. But some might say the book, by Florida plastic surgeon Dr Michael Salzhauer, and written for four to seven year old, is a step too far.
    D. You can see why a book might be a good way to tackle the issue of plastic surgery with kids, since how do you do it on your own?
    E. Reconstructive surgery, you might call it, after the natural disaster - sorry, precious and awe-inspiring miracle - that is having a child. And the beauty is, if you have a tummy tuck and breast implants in one hit, you get a bonanza two-for-one offer on the therapy your child might need in the future. Please don’t try to redeem this offer, I am just being supercilious.
    1. B C E D
    2. D C B E
    3. B E D C
    4. E B D C
Correct Option: D

According to the given options, sentence B, D or E follows. The given sentence A mentions ‘extensive plastic surgery’; sentence B refers to messing up one’s child, this idea does not follow; sentence D might seem like a good choice but a careful reading reveals that AE is a mandatory pair. In E, ‘reconstructive surgery, you might call it’; the ‘it’ refers to the ‘plastic surgery’ mentioned in A. The first person used in the last part of E is continued in B. DC forms a mandatory pair, the ‘but’ used in C hints that it should follow D. Hence, option (d).

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