Ramu is 48 years old. Robin is 6 years junior to Ramu and 14 years senior to Rohit. Ramu has two children – Neethu and Vinu. Youngest sister of Rohit is Krishna and she is 15 years junior to him. So what is the age of Krishna?
- 13
- 15
- 14
- 12
Correct Option: A
According to question ,
Given :- Age of Ramu = 48 years
Age of Robin = Age of Ramu - 6 years = 48 – 6 = 42 years
Age of Rohit = Age of Robin - 14 years = 42 – 14 = 28 years
Age of Krishna = Age of Rohit - 15 years = 28–15 =13 years
Hence , Age of Krishna is 13 years .