Home » Verbal Reasoning » Situation Reaction Test » Question
  1. You are the manager of the department. You get to know that one of the subordinates is having a problem with his family, since his father is supposed to undergo bypass surgery but at the same time the subordinate is very important for the current project which you have undertaken. The subordinate wants two week's leave. What would you do ?
    1. Give him your support by assuring him that his duty towards his father is more important
    2. Not empathise with the empoyee's situation and ask him to say
    3. Get an extension for project to be submitted as the employee is very efficient and you cannot trust anyone else
    4. Transfer the work to some other employee of similar caliber
Correct Option: D

As both completion of your project and your subordinate attending to his father are important. So, you must transfer your subordinate work to some other employee of similar caliber.

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